Thursday, December 24, 2009

Great Leadership in Philosophy Bees

If you observe animals Bees is one interesting animal to diperhatikan.Beberapa habit or behavior that attract bees and should be an example for us in terms of leadership karaketeristik, some of which are:

Bees always suck plant juices
Bees just suck quintessence of flowers dihinggapinya plant. Flowers are typically not dihisappun also any interest, but interest rates tend to provide interesting and fresh colors. Never had we encountered no one eat bees than quintessence plant flowers.

As a leader, the behavior of bees can be used as role models that we have never even eaten by something that is not good, not kosher, the result of a process that is not honest, and so on. Because it will not bring a blessing to us as leaders, our families and citizens or subordinates that we lead.

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Warm Regards,
Success in Your Hands ..!!

Wahyudi Hari Siswanto
Practitioners in the financial services industry

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Extraordinary work, than just "to life" to "to leave a legacy"

Mr.Ade, just called him like that was a welder. Because his life always on lack of economy so that he can not continue his study an forced him to go out of his village and doing his job until 8 years. AS of that periode, although his job is category of work as labour job, Mr.Ade still do that hotly. Because Mr.Ade needs money is indeed to continue his life and family.But besides that, because he feels welding job is his way of life, he try to love his job so much and take a wisdom side from each of he do daily. Mr. Ade try so hard to understand all about welding knowledge, from up until down aspect. From raw material of welding until judgement welding finishing process wether good or not, he understand deeply. So that, he is becoming a someone who understand and practitioner of welding very well known in his around society.
Cap it all, Mr.Ade tries to open new way of life by opening new self own welding entrepries Until the end Mr. Ade's try a new way of life by opening his own welding business. Armed with an acquaintance who had been accustomed to using their services and reputation that she had been known as people who understand and can practice with good welding, the business gradually began to grow. PT TMP that Mr. Ade to name his business after developing into a company. Now customers are not only limited to acquaintances, but it comes a few large companies with turnover of hundreds of millions of rupiah. Now his hard work has produced useful legacy for his successor yan, not just a company but more important is the noble values that are embedded in it.

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